Core Upgrade
We maintain whatever the Seagate App could do for you and whatever it has advertised that it would do. For users who love their interface but wanted just a bit more, this is what the Core Upgrade provides on top of the Seagate Features:
Hostname support. We create a hostname based on your wireless drive SSID so that when you can connect to your drive using the hostname such as plus.local. In the standard factory firmware, in order to access the wireless drive, even though it is connected to your WiFi at home, you will need to connect to the drive's WiFi and then get routed to the internet. This can be frustrating because your WiFi at home is more likely to have a faster WiFi standard than the Wireless Drive. Why should you sacrafice your other internet dependent services by routing via the Wireless Drive ? What happens to your Desktop computer which may not have a Wireless Network and need to access the Wireless Drive ? Do you know what is the IP Address of the Wireless Drive after it has joined your network ? Hostname support is extremely important as you do not need to connect ot the Wireless Drive to route your traffic anymore.
BTSync support. This is based off getsync.com's package. Having the possibilities of syncing automatically with your NAS at home or with all your devices. BTSync is supported on Windows, Macs and Linux for Desktop. It also supports iOS, Android, Windows Phone and Kindle Fire on the Mobile. Other popular NAS support includes Synology, WD, QNAP, NetGear, Drobo, asustor, snapserver. The possibilities of getting all the devices in sync is now available on the Wireless Drive on Seagate and Lacie. Possible scenarios of usage includes syncing your camera roll to the Wireless Drive. When there's internet connection, your Wireless Drive automatically syncs it with your NAS at home or to another Wireless Drive that you have connected in another remote location across the globe. You could even designate which folders you want to share out to others as well around the globe. You could even have a backup of everything using btsync.com's offering of unlimited cloud storage capability.
FTP, SFTP connectivity. With FTP and SFTP support, your favourite app that only supports such connectivity can start the connection to your Wireless Drive.
SecureShell (SSH) connectivity. The geeks would love the capability to perform a SSH session into the Wireless Drive.
Works on Seagate / Lacie 1AYBA3, 1AYBA4 and 1AYBA5 models ONLY.
Not to forget what the Seagate Factory Firmware can provide :
You can still sync with Dropbox and Google Drive.
It will still support DLNA so that your SmartTV can stream from it
It will support Samba connectivity so that windows can connect to it over wireless and map it as a drive. Check out their official article here.
It will support WebDAV connectivity as well. Simply connect to on port 80 with no authentication and the directory is Webdav-01. See example here
It will still join an existing WiFi so that the next time you are in the same area with the same SSID name, it will connect and join to it automatically.
Convinced on the Core Upgrade?
Q : Which version of the Seagate / Lacie firmware must I be on before I can upgrade to Core ?
A : Any versions above x.x.x.012 would be supported. This means if there is a new Seagate Firmware released as we speak, the Core Upgrade will work immediately.
Q : I'm not sure if Core is sufficient for me or do I need the Light interface.
A : The Light Interface is still available for upgrade at a fee of USD23 should you change your mind later.