WD Light Interface V4
We Absolutely LOVE the Western Digital MyPassport Wireless and we feel that they have learnt everything in what's in the market and what is in demand by the users. This is their product to address the other weaknesses that the other drives have . The Team is committed in bringing out more of what the Western Digital MyPassport Wireless Drives are capable of. This is why our V4 for WD is NOT to replace their interface and hardwork. We just ride alongside to enhance it.
Why V4 ? Isn't there a V1, 2 then 3 ? Because ths interface is slow similiar to ours in the Seagate / Lacie version, we feel that it should be named as V4 for consistency.
Supported Models :
1TB / 2TB Version of MyPassport Wireless (E2B)
Minimum Firmware Requirement on Supported Builds :
Kiwix Project. Taken off the project from Kiwix, it will enable the possibilities of you bringing the entire Wikipedia with you on the move. Kiwix is an offline content reader which can be used for WikiLeaks, WikiSource, WikiVoyage etc. It is a lightweight software reading ZIM files which you can download and store on the Wireless Drive.
RAW File Formats supported in thumbnail generation that greatly helps in a photographer's workflow. List of RAW Formats supported via DCRAW
Create, Delete and Edit Folder via our web interface. In the standard WD interface, there is not even a browse mode.
Thumbnail Generation support for Apple iWork Files, PDFs and Most video Files including AVI, MP4, M4V, MKV, RMVB, MOV and WMV.
FTP, SFTP connectivity. With FTP and SFTP support, your favourite app that only supports such connectivity can start the connection to your Wireless Drive.
WebDAV Connectivity : With WebDAV support, your favourite iOS app using WebDAV Protocol would be able to connect such as Apple's Keynote, Pages and Numbers applications
Apple Filing Protocol connectivity. With AFP built in support by WD and our Time Machine Script, you will be able to use the WD HDD as a Time Machine Destination on your mac. However, speed is slow and will take many hours to complete first backup.
Samba Connectivity. With SMB service a OnDemand, your Windows machine or any apps requesting to connect over SMB will get connected by the OnDemand Daemon.
Not to forget this is what you continue to use when you use our firmware :
You still get to use the WD App.
You will still get full WD Functionality
You will still get the Twonky DLNA Server from WD.
Auto copying of SD Card into the drive whenever any SD Card is inserted. You don't even need the Slow EyeFi Card with this built in. Our interface automatically maps the SD Card Imports so that the thumbnails get generated and makes all your new uploads available for preview immediately.
Convinced on our Light interface for WD MyPassport Wireless?
Q : I have more than 1 drive. Do I buy just 1 copy ?
A : Yes. If all these drives belongs to you, you only need to buy 1 copy and have it on all your drives. However, if this drive belongs to an institution, you should then buy 1 copy for each drive your institution is going to use. The Team believes in fairplay and we hope you respect that as well.
Q : How about Dropbox support or Google Drive ?
A : The team wants to push out our mod first and will see how we can integrate Dropbox since we have already done so with our LIV4 in Seagate / Lacie. For Google Drive, it remains to be a KIV for now.
Q : How about Eyefi Server ?
A: With the SD Card slot in the WD Drive, importing is so so much quicker thatn the slow EyeFi Cards. We have also mapped the SD Card Volume directly into our browsing capabilities and thumbnails would be generated as they get imported. We feel this is possibly the best way of importing photos and videos into the drive quickly.
Q : BTSync Support ?
A : BTSYnc is now a commercialware and we will not be able to do so anymore.
Q : How about iTunes Server ?
A : in the MT-DAAP space, this is already a dead project and with the new iTunes 12 shipped by Apple, it does not support MT DAAP Project anymore. The twonky server is working out very well than the miniDLNA that Seagate / Lacie shipped.